Manual conventional chamber (kiln)
Manual conventional chamber (kiln) drying refers to the drying of wood in a wood drying chamber (kiln). It can artificially control the drying conditions to dry the wood, referred to as room drying or kiln drying.
Wood Drying Overview
There are many ways to dry wood. According to the discharge method of moisture in wood, it is divided into three types: thermal drying, mechanical drying and chemical drying. The actual wood production process uses thermal drying. Thermal drying can be divided into atmospheric drying (referred to as air drying, also known as natural drying) and artificial drying according to whether the drying conditions are artificially controlled or not. Artificial drying can be divided into kiln drying (including low temperature, conventional and high temperature kiln drying), dehumidification drying, solar drying, vacuum drying, high frequency and microwave drying, infrared radiation drying and contact (hot pressing) drying. These drying methods are outlined below.
Common materials of kiln dried wood
Kiln drying equipment investment is big, the craft is complex, high cost, but quick drying, takes short, can be dry to any final moisture content, convenient for industrial production. Drying effect is better than natural drying, mainly using the kiln dried wood.
Wood drying is a relatively complex process. 2. Wood drying process
Wood drying is a relatively complex process. There are many specifications, varieties and uses of wood. Each enterprise needs to work out a drying process that suits its own products according to its own production characteristics. Thereby ensuring the dry quality of the wood.