• 0506-2023

    Convective drying of wood in gaseous media - factors affecting wood drying speed

    Factors Affecting Wood Drying Speed The main factors affecting the drying speed of wood are medium temperature, humidity, air circulation speed, wood moisture content gradient, and temperature gradient.

  • 2905-2023

    Convective drying of wood in a gaseous medium – movement of internal moisture as wood dries

    Moisture in wood can move inside the wood under certain conditions, which is called moisture conductivity of wood. Moisture can drain from both ends of the wood by moving along the fiber direction, or it can drain from the sides of the wood across the fiber direction, and in most boards, the length is much greater than the thickness width. The side area of ​​the sheet is much larger than the end area. Therefore, although the conduction of moisture along the fibers is easier than that across the fibers, it is the conduction across the fibers that plays a decisive role in wood drying.

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