Advantages and disadvantages of wood dehumidification and drying


 drying chambers

The advantages of dehumidification and drying: 1. Save energy;2, due to the low drying temperature, so the design of the drying room and the use of materials are not high requirements, as long as reasonable air tight, waterproof box insulation. Factories can simply design and build drying chambers themselves; 3. The peak energy required in the drying process is low; 4, the use of electric energy, little pollution to the surrounding environment.

Disadvantages: 1. When the annual drying amount is the same, the investment of infrastructure equipment is larger than that of conventional drying, which is more prominent when drying conifers; 2. The drying cost is higher than that of conventional drying in some cases, and the cost increase is larger when the conifer sheet is dried. 3, no debugging device, dry wood often appear surface hardening phenomenon; 4, the compressor and control valve need to be carefully maintained, otherwise easy to damage; 5. The refrigerant suitable for high temperature dehumidifier is currently under research and development and is expected to be applied and popularized in the near future.

According to the above analysis and combining with the specific situation of our country, the applicable scope of dehumidification drying is: 1. Rich hydropower resources, cheap electric power; 2, no boiler in the medium and small enterprises, small batch dry hard hardleaved wood pre-drying; 3. Areas with high environmental pollution requirements in large cities.

In short, the power supply of our country is relatively short, it should not be suitable to use dehumidification method to dry easy conifers thin, dry hard broadleaf materials should also consider drying cost, investment recovery period and so on. In addition, considering the energy consumption and cost of drying, it is better to use the dehumidification - conventional steam combined drying method to give full play to the advantages of dehumidification drying and conventional steam drying.

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