The carbonization process of carbonized wood


 The carbonization process of carbonized wood is divided into the following three processes:

Step 1: Heat up and dry at high temperature in the cellar

Heating up, the kiln temperature rapidly rises to 100 ° C.

Then, when the temperature rises to 130 ° C and remains stable, the wood kiln begins to dry, and the moisture content drops almost to zero.

Step 2: Heat treatment

Once the kiln starts drying, the temperature inside the kiln should rise to between 185 ° C and 215 ° C. According to the final use of carbonized wood, this temperature should last for 2-3 hours.

Step 3: Air conditioning and humidity adjustment

The final stage is to use a water spray system for cooling; When the temperature drops to 80-90 ° C, start humidifying again to achieve a usable moisture content of 4-7% in the wood.

Fujian Zhangping CHIQIN Technology Co. Ltd, is professional in wood drying over 20 years, covering Aluminum Wood Drying Kiln, Heat Pump Wood Drying Kiln without heat source, Veneer Drying Equipment, Wood carbonization kiln,Food Drying Kiln, Kiln Components etc with high quality and reasonable price. Hope to establish business relationship with you!

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