Wood drying defects
When wood is drying, the drying defects that often occur in wood drying include: internal cracks, surface cracks, end cracks, bending, shrinkage, charring, severe surface discoloration, and uneven drying.
Precautions for drying and stacking sawn timber
Whether the sawn timber accumulation is reasonable or not directly affects the dry quality of the wood, and its importance cannot be ignored because the sawn timber accumulation operation is simple and heavy. There are some requirements for stacking operations as follows:
Establishment of Wood Drying Benchmarks
Drying benchmarks for new tree species need to be established. Before establishing new drying benchmarks, it is necessary to understand the structure of wood and its physical and mechanical properties, especially the relationship between wood density and drying shrinkage coefficient, and use the drying benchmarks of tree species with similar properties as a reference. . Or saw small samples and dry them in a drying box to observe their drying conditions. You can also put all kinds of wood to be dried together for drying experiments to observe the drying conditions of various test materials, and then according to various The reaction of sawn timber to drying is carried out by tree species. The steps are as follows:
Problems that should be paid attention to when using carbonized wood
The use of "carbonized wood" is divided into two categories: indoor use and outdoor use. Indoor use is mainly used for: floors, wall panels, interior decoration, furniture, doors and windows, blinds, window sills, sauna room floors and wooden structures, etc. Especially in the new residential buildings in northern my country, there are more and more ground heating floors. Too many cannot use solid wood flooring because of the unfavorable dimensional stability, and only laminate flooring or multi-layer solid wood composite flooring can be used. In the environment of floor heating, the release of formaldehyde from the adhesive layer of reinforced and composite floors causes indoor air pollution, which is a very difficult problem. The carbonized wood has good size performance and no air pollution, so it can be used for floor heating.
Details and characteristics of wood vacuum dryer
A wood vacuum dryer is a device that removes moisture from the interior of a container by drawing air from the container to achieve a predetermined vacuum. When dry, the canister is under vacuum. The jacket is heated with hot water (or steam or thermal oil). As the tank rotates at a low speed, the material continuously moves up and down, entering a "diamond-shaped trajectory" inside and outside the tank, and absorbs and evaporates.
The principle of dehumidification and drying
The basic principle and drying essence of dehumidification drying and conventional drying are the same. Both rely on the convection heat exchange between the hot air in the wood drying room and the wood to be dried, and the air heats the wood and absorbs the moisture evaporated from the wood. The main difference between the two is the method of dehumidifying the air.
Atmospheric drying
Air drying of wood is commonly known as natural drying. Air drying of wood is to stack wood in an open courtyard or under a ventilated shed, and use the heat in the atmosphere to evaporate the moisture in the wood to dry it. Although the method of air drying wood may seem simple, the drying process involves many physical laws, such as combining atmospheric drying with other drying methods, is a way to save energy.
How to control and prevent internal cracking (honeycomb cracking) in wood
Internal wood cracking occurs inside the wood, cracking along the wood rays, such as honeycomb, also called honeycomb cracking. There are no cracks on the surface, only sawing can be found. But it is usually accompanied by uneven appearance or significant shrinkage, or charring, or lighter weight. This is characteristic of over-drying.
How to control and prevent wood cracking
Surface cracks are longitudinal cracks that occur along the wood rays on the outer surface of sawn timber (usually the outer cut surface of a chord-cut board). It is caused by excessive surface tensile stress in the early stage of drying
Wood drying: "Natural" is the best
"Natural is the best." In modern society, this has almost become a consensus of people. Everyone knows the reason: modern technology is used in various fields, and almost all products are linked to technology, so that natural things are becoming more and more scarce, and people are beginning to miss the "natural gas" that can be seen everywhere. good time.